Thursday, 3 January 2008

Use it up......

I noticed a habit I am often to be found doing.....

I have lots of beautiful toiletries that just sit in my bathroom never being used. I feel I should save them for special occasions, or wait untill I am thinner to make myself feel good about using them, or feel afraid of them running out! I have lots of beautiful notebooks that I am afraid of writing in for fear of "ruining" them. My "Living out Loud" book by Keri Smith that is meant to be used and interacted with remains untouched. My "Wreck this Journal" book remains unwrecked. I keep waiting until I have time to do it properly.....

What madness this procrastination is! Its a habit I think I should set about changing

Tonight I sat in the bath with Keri's book and filled in the living out loud calendar with all the stickers. It encourages you to do something special for yourself every day which nurtures or enriches. So i must remember to do these and document how it feels here.

No more waiting for the right moment to do things. The moment is HERE AND NOW!

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