Saturday, 5 January 2008

Use it or lose it

Now, this post may seem a little tedious....... but bear with me.....

Have been clearing out all the old coats from the coatstand today as we were decorating the hallway. Out coatstand was JAMMED with so many old coats, probably about twenty or so, and out of those, I probably wear four or five. The rest? Waiting for me to lose weight before I wore them again. Or waiting for mending, or keeping because I felt i ought to, or waiting to be Ebay-ed.

well, on my sorting out, i found that most of the coats that were waiting for something have gone MOULDY!

this may seem like a boring post (and it is a bit!) but it serves as a reminder to me..... stop putting things off, and be realistic about things. if i haven't used something in over a year, chances are i probably won't ever again!

Its good to remember the positive feelings that decluttering brings.... sounds sad, but i always feel more calm and focused when i am looking at a clear space rather than a corner absolutely rammed to the rafters with CRAP!

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