Tuesday 26 June 2007

Reflections on what a difference a (half a) year makes

I was thinking while I was driving to the in-laws (did I mention I passed my driving test!!) of the phrase "what a difference a year makes", but for me, its all turned around in less than that.

At the beginning of the year, I was just in the process of leaving the hated job in the psychiatric unit which left me demoralised and depressed, and I had no idea where my life was going. And I have so turned it around! In the space of just over 6 months, I have gone from the awfulness of signing on, into a fab new job as a speech therapy assistant, which I absolutley LOVE!!! Im now a driver,(which at one point it felt like I would NEVER achieve!) I am in a more creative place with my artwork than I have ever been, I have my first solo art show looming, and the future feels shiny and glittery! The place I am in at the moment is lightyears away from the place I was in at the beginning of the year. To top it all off, I am lucky enough to be still at the studio in my voluntary artist role, and life couldn't be better! Im excited about all the energy I will be able to throw into other projects now that the driving is sorted!

Did I also mention that my husband is absolutely the GREATEST MAN ALIVE?!?

I've PASSED!!!!

Its a momentous day for me......Today is the day I have been able to tear up my 'L' plates (well, metaphorically of course!) as I have finally passed my driving test!! I feel overjoyed, thrilled and just so DAMNED PLEASED!! Now the real driving starts..... and it will be taking place in my new baby!!! Her name is Ruby, and she is BEEEE-OOO-TEEEE-FUL!!!

Thursday 21 June 2007

The finished commission

Edd and Beckys commission is finished!

God, I LOVE this woman

Tuesday 12 June 2007

A creative pause

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Welcome to my world.....

Inspired by a post on Shimelle's blog, I thought i would post a few pictures of my studio. The post in question is talking about beautiful, workable rooms. Well, some may look at my room and see it as completely unworkable! However, it is the room of a painter and not a crafter, so perhaps that is where the difference comes in. What I do know, is that I love this room with all my heart! It is the smallest, messiest (You ought to see the carpet!! COVERED in paint and ink!!) most cluttered room in the flat. But everything has its place, and I find it inspiring and exciting. Is it wrong to LOVE a room? Oh, well, I don't Care really.


Sunday 3 June 2007

Revisiting the past via the medium of sculpture......

Had a great, fab, wonderful creative afternoon today! Went for a walk with my beloved over to Middle Hope in Sand Bay to have some fresh air and play with my camera. Whilst there, I was reminising about some creative highjinks I got up to previously at this spot. During my A level art, we had an assignment to create some art using natural materials, so I came to Middle Hope and created a massive spiral shaped creation out of seaweed. While out there today, I came over all "arty" and decided to do another piece of sculpture.

It was great! I enjoyed it hugely! And I will HAVE to dig out those old A level photos...... that are about 12 year old now!!!!