Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Making time

I often feel that I wish I had more time for things I enjoy, and not just work, chores etc. It feels like I never have enough time. However, when I really examine what I do with my spare time, a great deal of it is wasted. I have a bit of an internet addiction, but its never for anything exciting. I work mainly all day on a computer, then I get home and often spend half the evening on the internet, looking at Facebook, ebay and a chat forum I am part of. Its such a waste of time and I end up feeling guilty, but it has become an addiction, it is an easy way to fill up my hours and fill up my brain. But it is like fast food..... easy, instantly gratifying, but ultimately bad for you and fills you with bad stuff.

So, I am going to tackle this head on and do something I have been meaning to do for a while...... I am going to have a media fast.


For one week, starting from Monday 26th January....

1. I will not use the internet or the computer AT ALL when I return from work. (necessity means I HAVE to use a computer at work, but this period of my day does not count, only my spare time.)
2. I will not watch television of any kind, including DVD's.
3. I will make sure my mobile phone is on silent in the evening, and I will check it only once. (this will not prove hard, I am not really a mobile phone kind of girl, and I tend to do this anyway)
4. I will not read any magazines or newspapers.
5. I will visit the library at least once.
6. Books are allowed
7. Music is allowed
8. Talking on the telephone (not mobile though!) is allowed, as long as I am calling up old friends for a chat.

There will be one small concession to this which I will own up to, I will be checking my eBay account on Tuesday as I have a load of sales coming to an end! I did consider not starting the media fast until the week after because of this, but I feel if I don't do it while I am thinking about it, I will lose momentum again. (and it will be a nice surprise to see how much things sell for, rather than my usual thing of checking it half a dozen times every day!)

I am hoping to do this more often, maybe having one week a month with no media, or one night a week. We will see how it goes. I am already thinking about what I am going to do, and I am going to start with doing some of the creativity exercises from this book by Keri Smith. I love this book and always read it when I feel the need to be inspried. It has loads of creative exercises which I would love to do but then tell myself I have no time for. So next week, I will be making time.

Randomly, I also like the idea of setting up our small tent in the lounge and camping out in it one evening.

Wish me luck with all of this! Even more randomly, I am off to make an origami crane before I go to bed. Always wanted to learn how to do this, but never found the time.......


Laura said...

Karen this made me laugh so much... In my diary for the first week of Feb is written 'UNPLUGGED WEEK'!!! :D

Camilla said...

I'm impressed! I went two days without the internet, oh actually it was more like one and a half, but i'm back online again now. I do wish I could break this habit I have of reading blogs by super crafty productive people and thinking 'oh I could do that' and wondering why I never do, and then realising it's because I spend all my time online. Thanks for the email about the quarry by the way- i'll reply to it, but while i'm here I thought i'd say thankyou!

Liz, Dave et al said...

so, i came across your blog by hitting the random next blog button.... Good luck with your week, but it's easy when you get started. There is so much more time to do ... well just stuff! We lived two years with no TV and 6 months with no computer (although that was because it crashed permanently!). I never use my mobile ( it still has £3.53 credit from 2007) I am fast hating all media that feels like my brain has dribbled out of my ear. I still like the occasional net surf and am a bit of a news junkie. So on the whole i hope you'll love it! Love the art work by the way. We moved from Bristol 3 years ago so will check it out if you're 'on' anywhere when we visit!
I've only ever felt the need to leave 3 comments and this is huge!