Saturday, 24 January 2009

Studio Upstairs review...

...took place this Thursday.
I really loved it! It was amazing to see so much of my work on the wall all in one place, its not often that I get to examine everything (well, a large chunk of stuff anyways!) and see all the links, occasional differences, themes and the way it all slots together. It was quite a process sorting out what was going up and what didn't make it, and I needed help with this to make sure I didn't just put in polished, finished pieces but included some less finished and often, more interesting ones. At first, when I was putting the work up with the help of the other volunteer, we were being really particualr about placement of work..... after three hours of this, we soon got to the stage of just slapping things up where there was space!! And then I had to speak about my work. I felt surprisingly relaxed about this, not nervous at all really, which I think is testament to the supportiveness of the studio environment as much as anything else. I was worried nobody would engage with me or ask questions, but they did. Other peoples responses, reactions and questions at times made me view my work in a different light, and it was great to talk about it and feel really proud of what I do. I managed to speak for nearly an hour and a half with all the audience participaton that came my way, which really surprised me!

It was a great experience, and a fitting way to round off my time at the Studio.

One more week to go......


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