Monday 24 August 2009

My Creative Manifesto

With less time on my hands to be creative lately, I decided to focus my mind and come up with some thoughts on how to nurture and encourage my creativity.

And thus was born...... MY CREATIVE MANIFESTO!

I endeavour to.....

1. Stop living my life remotely through Facebook.

2. Set up a "creativity corner" in a quiet area of my flat. Make it entirely MY space. Equip it with inspiring books, postcards, trinkets, pens, journals sketchpads and chocolate. Make time to use this space daily once ruby has gone to bed, even if that is only to sit in it and breathe deeply for a few moments!

3. Have a pad in my creativity corner entirely for the purposes of doodling.

4. Plan my next solo exhibition, even if the reality of it is quite far off!

5. Get up to my studio once a week with Ruby in the sling.

6. Write more letters to friends.

7. Research exhibitions and gigs that are happening locally, and plan to get to some. daydream about the ones I can't get to.

8. Be entirely in the moment with Ruby when I am on my own with her. Be entirely in MY moment when I am alone with MYSELF

9. Make links with local artists.

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