Monday 29 December 2008

Word for the year 2009

I have been really struggling with choosing my word for 2009. I knew exactly what I wanted my word to represent, but was struggling to find a word that encompassed it all. I wanted a word that would encourage me to focus more on myself and what I want, and that would help me to rengage with my art and get me painting and creating again. I also want to focus on generally feeling healthy and promoting my wellbeing, both physically and emotionally. Its a lot to cover with one word!

Since I discovered I was pregnant, my world has shrunk a little. I have been feeling so sick that my days have been taken up with battling this and eating in order to stave off the nausea. I have also been quite involved in coming to terms with the changes that go along with imminent parenthood (GULP!) So there has been very little time to focus on me. I have also become aware of my desire to not completely lose my identity in becoming a mum. I don't want that to be the only thing that defines me, it is still important for me to be defined as an artist too, and to still fundamentally be ME, even though my priorities will clearly change.

Like I said, a lot to cover with one word!!

But the other night, a flash of inspiration came, and I thank Laura for it. I was telling her my problems with choosing the word and what I was thinking, and she said -

"Why don't you have 'Karen' as your word of the year?"

PERFECT!!! It covers everything! It basically reminds myself to spend lots of time focusing on, pampering, treating, nurturing, and generally looking after myself.

It may seem a bit comedic, perhaps a bit narcissistic, but it does fit, and is serious. And also is not just about me. There is no doubt my thoughts will often be focused on the new little person in my world, but if I remember my word, I am immediately reminded to focus on myself too. After all, how can I look after a new life if I have not properly looked after myself?

Monday 22 December 2008

Film I HAVE to see in 2009

Reflections on the change.

I have been thinking a great deal over the last few days what word I will pick as my word of the year for 2009. I'm not sure yet, but things are beginning to perculate in me. And speaking of things that are perculating in me, its time to make the announcement!

I think that provides some clues as to why my blogging has been somewhat sporadic of late!! My whole world has been filled with the thoughts, feelings, excitement, surrealness, terror and very real physical sensations (Morning sickness is such an understatement!!) that my creative side has gone rather AWOL. (welL, in the sense that I have not being doing much artwise, but I am definately creating in another sense!) I will post towards the year about how "change", my word of the year from 2008 has influenced me, but clearly, my current state of affairs is the most massive change that is possible!

So yes, i'm not sure of the 2009 word yet. But I know what I want for the next year. I want to re-engage with my creative process. I want to feel well and healthy. I want to do the best I can for this little person growing inside me, both while they are in and when they pop out!

So yes! there has been change in bucketloads......

Thursday 11 December 2008

its Christmas!

Its been a funny few months,not much blogging has happened, but there has been a lot filling my little world. Stuff that is not yet ready for public consumption, but soon will be....

But Christmas is apon us....and I'm struggling to feel festive. We have both been hit really hard this week with the flu, so are hoping to be well enough to put a tree up this weekend and begin to get festive. But until is my little attempt to drag myself into Christmas 2008!

(P.S....just need to point out the fakeness of David's Tash!)
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