Sunday 13 May 2007

What its like to exhibit

Exhibiting work is really hard. Its out there for the public consumption, and people who don't know you probably will not censure their opinions in order to prevent upset!
The particular exhibition in question is our anuual Studio Upstairs Open. And its particularly difficult in terms of my feelings concerning the piece I have in it. My sculpture is extremely personal, and showing it makes me feel very vunerable indeed! And as it is a self portrait, if people critise it, they are not just putting down the work, they are directly putting down ME!
However, I have had a HUGE amount of positive feedback from lots of the members at the studio. Their opinions are very important to me, so in the face of negativity, this is what I will have to hold on to! I will post a picture of my sculpture and how the exhibition went later.... wish me luck and an extra strong skin for today!

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