Sunday 13 May 2007

Self Portrait with Scars, Imperfections and Secrets

So now you can see just how personal this piece of work I exhibited was!! I had some really positive comments though, which was great. Also, I had one from a studio member which left me feeling very humbled. She told me how much she liked what I had done, and then told me it had provoked a very useful and in-depth conversation with her daughter. Her daughter had seen it in the exhibition and had asked some questions about it, which led to them discussing issues around body image and media pressure. She told me it was a really useful conversation.
This felt GREAT! Usually my work is pretty abstract, so just provokes an aethetically or emotionally based response. However, this work deals with issues and is very provoking! And I liked the response I got! I really feel inspired to do more work that challenges and provokes, particularly working with ideas around body image and the medias skewed perceptions. Lets get political!!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

That's really, really powerful Karen. Just blown away by it.