Sunday, 28 February 2010

Tagged Too....

I have been tagged by Camilla!

This is what it means to play the game...

1. open your first photo folder in your computer library.
2. scroll to the 10th photo
3. post the photo and the story behind it
4. tag 5 or more people to continue the thread

When I was in my final year at university, my housemate at the time collered me one morning before lectures and told me that she wanted me to pop into town with her before we went in. To get a pregnancy test kit.....

The rest of this tale belongs to her and is a little private so is not my story to tell. Needless to say, it was a very emotionally charged experience living with a pregnant woman for most of the duration of her pregnancy, and bonded me to her like cement. It was such a special/scary/stressful/life altering time for her, and I experienced it upclose and personal.

The photo shows my man with my housemates daughters. The taller girl is the little person who I began to get to know as I felt her kicking my housemates ever expending belly! I was the first person on earth to know of her existance other than my housemate when she confided in me. I felt extremely privilledged.

I love the photo, as it shows that little person all grown up. The photo makes me feel rather old! It also makes me smile, as it reminds me of how both little girls took a real shine to my man on that day. I sat back and watched as he entertained them and let them bash around on his beloved piano with only the most imperceptible of twitches. It made me realise that my man was pretty good with kids. And it sparked me thinking about whether it was time to start thinking about bringing our own kids into the world.

And LOOK what happened from that train of thought....

Wow! Deep!

And now a confession. That photo was the tenth from the second photo album in my computer library. But the first album only had 9 photos. I toyed with the idea of using the 9th photo

but I am afraid I was very drunk when it was taken, and I have absolutley no idea who the afro-wigged man is.....

Also, I haven't tagged anyone else as all the people I would have tagged have already been got!

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