Tuesday 30 January 2007


Can you identify a single word that sums up what you want for yourself in 2007?

It can be something tangible or intangible. It could be a thought or a feeling or an emotion. It can be singular or plural. The key is to find something that has personal meaning for you. This is not your mother's word or your spouse's word or your child's word - this is YOUR word. One little word can have big meaning in your life if you allow yourself to be open to the possibilities. And here's one thing that is totally interesting: sometimes a word will pop into your brain and it will not make any sense to you right now. Give it some time. Let it percolate a bit. I have often found that our hearts speak to us in very unique ways. Maybe this is a word you need to hear but just aren't ready for it yet. Again, be open to the possibilities. From Ali Edwards
Laura let me know about the website of Ali Edwards, where this idea came from. I found it the beginning of my inspiration. I really wanted to start the new year off on a positive, fresh and most of all, creative start. So I've decided that my word is going to be........ CREATE. It feels like this had to be the one! I have been neglecting my painting and my artroom at home, and i think i have realised why. My endless listmaking doesnt help. However, its procrastination that is my worst enemy. Im putting off going in my artroom as i know i need to finish off all those canvasses and that doesn't make me feel creative at all. I know i need to do it, but i need to keep my creativeness alive too. So Im working on it...... have found lots of imspiration from Keri Smith, and have even bought her book, "Living Out Loud". Its FAB, i highly recommend it. My lists are clearing down, my house is tidier than it has ever been, and I am finding less and less to procrastinate over! Im going to be doing lots of the excercises from L.O.L, and perhaps will document it here...... I'm feeling more creative than i have done in a long time.....

1 comment:

Laura said...

Woo hoo!
Hurrah for the blog being up and running!
And hurrah for CREATING in 2007!
L x