I have recently got back into knitting, after a bit of a
false start a couple of years agoThis time it has rather grabbed me by the.....er...... purls?
It helps enormously that I have joined
a knitting group, which has totally fired up my knitting motor.....
I am not sure as of yet what kind of a knitter I am going to be. I find it kind of therapeutic really, and quite enjoy the monotony of the repetition. I am told this WILL get boring. I am not sure I will truely get into patterns though, as my brain is already turning to thoughts of knitting with all sorts of strange materials and combining knitting somehow with my artwork. Saying that, I LOVE hats and would really like to learn to make some!
So time will tell where this will lead, but already it feels more than just another soon to be forgotten about dabble.....
I am currently knitting an enormous scarf on massive needles with big fat wool. Talking about it here is making me miss it, so back I go......